What is Participatory Defense?
Participatory Defense is a community organizing model for the accused, families, and communities to impact the outcome of cases and transform the landscape of power in the court system. Participatory Defense groups meet regularly to identify and share progress toward next steps as the accused and their families navigate the criminal justice system.
In the 13 years since Participatory Defense was developed in San Jose, the organizing model has been used by families across the country to help their loved ones spend more than 7,000 fewer years behind bars. “Time saved” is the difference between the original maximum sentencing exposure and the actual sentence received by defendants after family and community intervention through the participatory defense model. In San Diego alone, families have saved more than 500 years since 2017.
If you or a loved one needs support navigating the criminal justice system in San Diego, start with the information on the Know Your Rights and About Us pages. Email admin@freesdnow.org and join us on Sundays from 2-3:30 pm via Zoom.
Raj Jayadev received a MacArthur Fellowship in recognition of Silicon Valley De-Bug’s work to develop Participatory Defense.